ADDFORCE helps clients to tackle increasingly complex issues in an ever-changing world. Success is built on the ability to motivate and inspire a team, while ensuring top performance standards. True professionals bring their knowledge and expertise to the workplace, but organizations can struggle with sharing knowledge in a truly effective way that fosters improved connections and collaboration.
To face these challenges, your team may need a more personalized development solution than classroom training, a textbook, or a presentation, as you face specific and complex business issues daily. ADDFORCE’s unique tailor-made coaching and mentoring programs can help you, your team, and your company to develop effective leaders focused on getting great results through improved performance.
Coaching is a useful way of developing people's skills and abilities, and of boosting performance. It can also help deal with issues and challenges before they become major problems.
Coaching draws out the skills, resources, and creativity that already exist within you to overcome your most difficult professional challenges. A coach is a trusted confidential resource that helps break down personal barriers to unleash leadership potential.
Even the most successful people have certain behaviors preventing them from becoming a more inspiring and effective leader. A coach helps to think and communicate in new ways that lead to better results.
Taking into account your values and priorities, ADDFORCE coach invests time upfront, giving a thorough and personal assessment to identify specific needs and, with your input, designs a customized development experience around those areas to transform you into the inspiring and effective leader you can and want to be.
Working with a coach who is focused on your growth can:
- Improve self-confidence and self-awareness
- Improve interpersonal relationships
- Build better communication skills and emotional intelligence
- Create a better work-life fit
- Attract talent to an organization
- Improve employee satisfaction with leadership
ADDFORCE has built an extensive network of coaches making possible to find the right coach in the location – and areas of expertise – for our Client’s need. Our coaches have a remarkable depth and breadth of leadership credentials in across industries, and bring thorough understanding of the culture you work within.
ADDFORCE also offers mentoring, a critical component in transferring knowledge between individuals and within organizations as well as developing relationships within a supportive organizational culture. Mentoring promotes the ability to create awareness and understanding of others.
Critical component of any comprehensive leadership development program, mentoring benefits organizations by supporting:
- New supervisors and emerging leaders
- Intern development programs
- The development of technical expertise
- Multi-generational collaboration and interaction
- The retention of institutional knowledge
- Relationship building across the organization
- A culture of service and stewardship
ADDFORCE provides the full spectrum of support in the creation and management of mentoring programs for teams and organizations.
We also offer training to help participants better understand what mentoring is, how to set up an effective mentoring relationship, and how to track and monitor results.
To learn more about ADDFORCE tailor-made programs, please email us at